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Author Archives: encounterhisbd

Encounter His Word for Today

What is Marriage?

To find the answer to this question "what is marriage" Is to go into the heart and mind of the Father who founded or instituted marriage. "Now the Lord God said, It is not good (sufficient, satisfactory) that the man should be alone; I...

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Encounter His Word for Today

Understanding the Marriage

There are about 29 reasons and probably more that give flavor and juice to marriage that those involved or not can say makes it a healthy or happy one. Some of these are: 1) caring/kindness; 2) trust; 3) love; 4) support; 5) understanding; 6)...

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Encounter His Word for Today

Godly Relationship

One of the challenging aspects of human existence and life is having and maintaining a healthy and productive relationship. Relationship, as you might have known, has been defined and categorized by different groups and institutions in our society:...

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Encounter His Word for Today


The whole world today has a task, to defeat a disease called coronavirus. Coronavirus has become a force that threatens the very existence of man and society. It is an unseen enemy that can only be identified by its symptoms. How can you defeat or...

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Encounter His Word for Today


Turbulence! Amidst Calmness. How difficult these days to have your mind at rest or peace without the thick clouds of uncertainties coupled with Fear hanging over your head. The human race is in a dilemma of survival. Yet the very history...

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Encounter His Word for Today


COVID-19 amplified the disciple’s moment, "That Sunday evening, the disciples were meeting behind locked doors because they were afraid of the Jewish leaders. Suddenly, Jesus was standing there among them! Peace be with you, he said." John 20:19...

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